13:15 às 14:00 | Registration |
14:00 às 14:10 | Opening ceremony and faculties presentation João Viola (INCA), Germana Bahr (INTO), Luis Carelli (INTO), Walter Meohas (INTO), Ricardo Meirelles (INTO), Alderico Barros (INTO) |
Module 1: Genetics, Clinical Oncology, Pathological Anathomy and Tumor Staging
Moderador 1: Walter Meohas | Moderador 2: João Viola
14:10 | General concepts in primary spinal tumors Alessandro Gasbarrini |
14:22 | Tumor staging and biopsy Christiano Simões |
14:34 | Histopathological diagnosis Anabela Caruso |
14:46 | Current concepts in genetics and biomarkers Cícero Martins |
14:58 | Immunotherapy and new drugs Cícero Martins |
15:10 | Chemotherapy and tumor response Gelsio Quintela |
15:22 | Discussion |
Module 2: Diagnostic Imaging, Interventionist Radiology and Radiotherapy
Moderador 1: Luiz Moliterno | Moderador 2: Ricardo Meirelles | Secretária: Ana Cristina Lopes
15:30 | Bone tumors radiologic evaluation Eduardo Brown |
15:42 | Diagnosis and interventionist radiology treatment Marcelo Sarmento |
15:54 | Indications and radiotherapy treatment modalities Célia Viegas |
16:06 | Discussion |
16:11 | Coffee break (30 min) |
Module 3: Pseudotumoral lesions and other non-neoplastic lesions
Moderador 1: Rafael Pinheiro | Moderador 2: Renato Teixeira | Secretário: Marcelo Bragança
Aneurismatic bone cyst
16:41 | Radiological aspects and treatment options Alessandro Gasbarrini |
16:53 | Clinical Case 1 / Luis Carelli |
17:03 | Clinical Case 2 / Christiano Simões |
17:13 | Clinical Case 3 / Gabriel Farias |
17:23 | Clinical Case 4 / Guilhermo Khal |
17:33 | Discussion |
Eosinophilic Granuloma/Histiocytosis X
17:43 | Clinical analysis, biological behavior, radiology, histopathology Rodrigo Cardoso |
17:51 | Clinical Case 5 / Giancarlo Almeida / Luis Carelli |
Fibrous dysplasia, Paget desease, brown tumor of hyperparathyroidism
18:01 | Marcelo Bragança |
18:11 | Clinical Case 6 / Alderico Girão |
18:21 | Discussion |
18:26 | First day closing ceremony |
Module 4: Chondrogenic and Osteogenic Benign tumors
Moderador 1: Walter Mehoas | Moderador 2: Rodrigo José Fernandes da Costa | Secretário: Felipe Carrasco
08:00 | Clinical presentation, radiological differentiation between osteoid osteoma and osteoblastoma, and treatment: ablation x resection |
08:12 | Clinical Case 1 / Ricardo Meirelles |
08:22 | Clinical Case 2 / Luis Carelli |
08:32 | Discussion |
08:37 | Spinal Osteochondroma, multiple hereditary exostosis and malignization risk Walter Mehoas |
08:47 | Clinical Case 3 / Luis Carelli |
08:57 | Discussion |
09:02 | Management of vertebral hemangiomas: from imaging findings to aggressive lesions Luis Carelli |
09:14 | Clinical Case 4 / Murilo Daher |
09:24 | Clinical Case 5 / Alderico Girão |
09:34 | Discussion |
09:39 | Clinical features, imaging diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of giant cell tumor Christiano Simões |
09:51 | Clinical Case 6 / Gabriel Rossito |
10:01 | Discussion |
10:06 | Coffee break |
Module 5: Chondrogenic and Osteogenic malignant primary tumors and Chordoma
Moderador: Felipe Carrasco | Secretário: Renato Tavares
10:36 | Surgical and oncological treatment of osteosarcoma and chondrosarcoma in the spine Douglas Narazaki |
10:48 | Clinical Case 1 / Murilo Daher |
10:58 | Discussion |
11:03 | Chordoma: diagnosis and treatment of primitive notochord tumor Christiano Simões |
11:15 | CVJ Surgical Approaches of Complex Chordomas Massimiliano Vissochi |
11:27 | Resection and reconstruction techniques in the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine Alessandro Gasbarrini |
11:42 | Special clinical cases session and step-by-step demonstration of the anatomical bases for the approaches |
11:42 | Clinical Case 2: Alderico Barros + approach: Luis Carelli |
11:57 | Clinical Case 3: Luis Carelli + approach: Luis Carelli |
12:09 | Clinical Case 4: Douglas Narazaki + approach: Ullyanov Toscano |
12:14 | Clinical Case 5: Renato Tavares + vertebrectomy vídeo: Alessandro Gasbarrini |
12:29 | Discussion |
12:40 | Lunch time |
12:40 | Simposyum: navigation and robotics in spine surgery and application in tumors Helton Defino |
13:00 | Special Lecture: New approaches in the resection and reconstruction of primary tumor Alessandro Gasbarrini |
13:15 | Carlos Eduardo Gonçales Barsotti |
13:30 | Wilson Shiyotti Morikawa Junior |
13:45 | Discussion |
Module 6: Malignant bone marrow tumors and metastasis
Moderador: Rodrigo José Fernandes da Costa | Secretário: Gabriel Farias
14:00 | Diagnosis and onco-hematological treatment of multiple myeloma and bone lymphoma Roberto Magalhães |
14:12 | Clinical Case 1 / Marcelo Risso |
14:22 | Clinical Case 2 / Luis Carelli |
14:32 | Discussion |
14:42 | Ewing tumor: differential diagnosis and basis for oncological and surgical treatment Douglas Narazaki |
14:54 | Clinical Case 3 / Alderico Barros | Nathalia Sundin |
15:04 | Discussion |
15:14 | Treatment of vertebral metastasis Alessandro Gasbarrini |
15:29 | Usefulness of NOMS and SINS classification in metastatic lesions Murilo Daher |
15:39 | Intravertebral radiotherapy: indications and technique Marcelo Risso |
15:49 | When to indicate separation surgery for spinal metastases Douglas Narazaki |
15:59 | Unilateral x traditional fixation in vertebral metastasis Helton Defino |
16:09 | >Is there still room for en bloc vertebral resection? Marcelo Risso |
16:19 | Clinical Case 1 / Ricardo Meirelles |
16:29 | Clinical Case 2 / Christiano Simões |
16:39 | Discussion |
16:44 | Coffee break |
Module 7: Intraspinal tumors
Moderador 1: Alderico Girão | Moderador 2: Roth Vargas | Secretário: Guilherme de Rezende Lopes
17:04 | Spinal meningiomas: diagnosis and management Bruno Godoy |
17:14 | Treatment of schwannomas and filum terminale ependymomas Francisco Theofilo |
17:24 | Surgical treatment of intramedullary neoplastic lesions Ântonio Aversa |
17:34 | Clinical Case 1 / Ântonio Aversa |
17:44 | Discussion |
17:54 | First day closing ceremony Dr. Francisco Godinho, Dr. Paulo Miguel Hemais, Dra Ierecê Aimoré |
19:00 – 21:00 | Welcome Reception |
Module 8: Deformities associated with spine tumors, oncological treatment
Moderator 1: Guilhermo Khal | Moderator 2: Luiz Moliterno | Secretary: Gabriel Farias
09:00 | Cervical kyphosis after laminectomy/laminoplasty Luis Carelli |
09:10 | Thoracic and lumbar sagittal malalignment after cancer treatment Alderico Barros |
09:20 | Post-surgical deformity of the craniovertebral and cervicothoracic junction Luis Carelli |
09:30 | Clinical Case 1 / Marcelo Risso |
09:40 | Discussion |
Module 09: Bone tumors of the pelvis/sacrum, with abdominal, pelvic and perineal origin/involvement
Moderator 1: Eduardo Sadao | Moderator 2: Ana Cristina Lopes
09:45 | Diagnosis, staging and resection levels of pelvic tumors Eduardo Sadao |
09:55 | Hemipelvectomy with or without prosthesis Walter Mehoas |
10:05 | Pelvic organs and perineal region tumors extending to the sacrum and pelvis Daniel Cesar |
10:17 | Clinical Case 1 |
10:27 | Clinical Case 2 / Marcelo Risso |
10:37 | Clinical Case 3 / Alderico Barros / Igor Cechin / Daniel Cesar |
10:47 | Discussion |
10:52 | Coffee break |
Module 10: Sacrectomies without stabilization X spinopelvic reconstruction alternatives and complications
Moderator 1: Alessandro Gasbarrini | Moderator 2: Gabriel Rossito | Secretary: Renato Teixeira
11:17 | Planning and execution of low sacrectomies Alderico Barros |
11:27 | Planning and execution of high sacrectomies Christiano Simões |
11:37 | Total sacrectomy without stabilization Eduardo Sadao |
11:47 | Sagittal sacrectomy: technical details Luis Carelli |
11:57 | Spinopelvic Reconstruction Options Luis Carelli |
12:07 | How to reduce biomechanical and post-surgical complications Douglas Narazaki |
12:17 | Clinical Case 1 / Chistiano Simões |
12:27 | Clinical Case 2 / Douglas Narazaki |
12:37 | Discussion |
12:47 | Course closing ceremony and take-home messages |